Monday, December 13, 2010

Toronto Maple Laughs...Oops Leafs

After what looked to be a different yet promising season for the Leafs, starting off 4 and 0, they finally looked like playoff contenders for the first time in years. Little did the Leafs fans and organization know that the sudden burst of glory would all too soon come crashing down on top of them. There are many problems in the Leafs organization that could very easily be corrected so that they could actually make it to the playoffs for the first time since the lockout. The coaching staff for starters; is being outcoached game in and game out by the opposition, and the offense coach, Tim Hunter who has no business being the offense coach because back in the day he was a fighter therefore he knows nothing about scoring. Another problem is they just can't score; they have no true offense superstar that other teams have. Phil Kessel would be under the consideration as being the Leafs superstar but he has no center man to play with, they need a true center man like Toews or Crosbyto help the Leafs top line do what they are supposed to do...SCORE!!! To sum it all up the Leafs need a change in the coaching staff and find a true number 1 center man to help win faceoff’s and support Phil Kessel score goals, if they want to have a hope of making the playoffs.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

TFC needs more chemistry and some luck to win.

Yet another year where TFC cannot product a playoff debut, fans like myself and the red patch boys are disappointed with another unsuccessful season. With the likes of TFC captain Dwayne De Rosario, Julian de Guzman, Chad Barret and many other highly skilled soccer players it was mindboggling to see this team fail. With the lack of scoring and inconsistent defence they surrendered many games to which they should have won. The individual skill on the team is very high but you have to question the chemistry, and the coaching ability which should prepare them to become a unit when game time comes. They showed bursts of glory at times during the season but a playoff team shows this glory throughout the season, this is what separates TFC from the playoffs. If they improve chemistry wise and finding glory in every game they will be victorious and make the post season.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chris Bosh has had it with Losing

After another disappointing season missing the playoffs with the Toronto Raptors, Bosh decides he cannot stand to play another season in Toronto. With only 11 playoff experiences to his name and never making it past the first round, he decided to leave the team that drafted him and go to a much better team with the likes of world class players Dwayne Wade and LeBron James. When Bosh left, the Toronto organization not to mention the fan base was furious because they received nothing in return for their best player. The Raptors had trouble making the playoffs even with their leader, Chris Bosh, by their side which shows the lack in depth the organization has to offer. Since the ex Toronto all star has moved on to apparent bigger and brighter things, the organization will need other players to step up and try to fill in the huge hole Bosh has left for them to fill in. It will be a tough task for the team to accomplish but Toronto will hopefully bounce back from this loss.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jays Fall Short Even With Bautista

After the start of what looked to be a promising post season experience, the Jays somehow choke under the pressure, even with Jose Bautista the league leading slugger with 54 homers. People ask themselves where the Jays went wrong but it's not their fault they have without a doubt the hardest division in sports history. Having to compete with the New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays who were number 1 and 2 in the league and the Boston Red Sox who are also and exceptional team, the Jays really do not have any opportunity for a post season birth. The Jays learned how the best player in the league does not make them the best team, the team that spends the most money which is the New York Yankees ($206 738 389) and the Boston Red Socks ($160,913,333) are 2 of the top 5 teams in the league which shows how money wins games. Even though Bautista is the best player in the MLB this year it does not mean they would make the playoffs, it's disappointing for Jays fans but its reality.